Ronda Sant Pere is the dividing line between L'Eixample Dreta, built in the late 19th century, and the Old Town (Ciutat Vella), which predates its new neighbor by a more than a millenium.
A 9-minute walk from Bailen 41 gets you to Sant Pere de les Puel-les (St. Peter of the Novices), a church originally consecrated in 946, destroyed multiple times by various invading forces (including the Spanish in 1714) and rebuilt. It has stayed in fairly constant use as a nunnery and now a parish church.
Enjoy the wide shaded sidewalks on your way to the church and consider stopping in one of the many restaurants that abound in the plaças of Ciutat Vella.
Placa de Casanova (hero of the 1714 war), between Trafalgar & Ronda Sant Pere. |
Head down Lluis el Piados; Sant Pere is ahead on the right. |
We highly recommend En Aparte, the little French bistro in the background! — at En Aparté. |
Sant Pere himself above the doors. |
Inside the church. |
The placa from above; more cafes! |
Here's a short video of the neighborhood, in Catalan!